So when did we get to be such big babies about snow? Seems like every time there is just a few inches of snow school gets called off. Now it isn't that I am not about being safe. I want kids to be just as safe as the next person, but come on. I remember it was a treat when we had a snow day, and now it seems like every other day there is a 2 hour delay or school is called off. I seriously doubt that the weather has gotten worse in the past 20 years (remember global warming) so it has to be that the people in charge are babies and "don't want the kids to suffer in the cold and snow." Man-up and make these kids go to school. Unless the roads are impassable then send the rug rats to school and quit teaching them that when the weather is bad you get a day off, cause once you hit the real world there are no 2 hour delays cause it is 10ยบ outside.
I know WVU fans are getting a bad rap nowadays, but I don't mind. Lump us into that catagory with Philly fans. I don't mind, and as bad as WVU fans look a petition by Patriots fans to have the Super Bowl played over actually makes us look good.
1 comment:
Back in my day, we walked to school in 3 feet of snow...uphill...both ways... Ok well that's only
a slight exaggeration of we are talking about Whitehall. But I agree that they call off school waaaay to quickly anymore, but it goes to the continued pussification of the kids in a world where no one keeps score and everyone gets an effing trophy.
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