Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Sleeping Problems

I guess when you have a child there are always problems with sleep. Most of the time it involves you not getting any as a parent because you are up with your child, typically feeding them or sitting with them if they are awake. As the child gets to be a teenager you are not sleeping for other reasons. BUT, as a child between the ages of, um let's say 4-16 you should be able to get a few nights of good sleep without being bothered. Not with my son Owen. For some reason in the middle of the night, and the ability to get out of bed. He will shout out, "Mommy!" Thank god it isn't Daddy. The reasons he will call out for his mother are many. Here are just a few:

1. "I am hot." Usually I follow up this one with "Then take your covers off." But that doesn't always satisfy him and usually results in us yelling back and forth through the wall. "I can't take my covers off." "Yes you can." "No. I can't." "OWEN, YES YOU CAN."

2. "I have to pee." This is a little more understandable. He has to go. He recognizes that he has to go, and he is only scared to go to the bathroom by himself. Ok fine. I would rather get out of bed for 60 seconds while he goes then be changing sheets at 3 a.m.

3. "Can you make blue blanket cold?" Yes this is odd to me too, and not something I do for him, this is his mother's thing and even she has finally stopped doing this. Now I know what the next question is. What does he mean by this. Well in our odd little child's mind it is the equivelent of flipping your pillow over, although this entails taking blue blanket and shaking it in the air to get it "cool." Now I know the science and research behind it is a little sketchy but apparently it works. He now shakes his blanket in bed and bangs the bed against our wall which makes his mother turn into some strange sleepless monster. Oooooh the wrath she wields at 3 a.m.

4. "Can you put my pillow on my head?" Yes another strange request. The kid likes to sleep under his pillow and for some reason feels that he needs to wake us up to do it.

These are all I can think of now as I struggle to keep my eyes open due to making blue blanket cold.

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