Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Since when has the word “Stripper” not been allowed on the radio? There is this song out that is called “I’m in love with a stripper” but the version on my iPod (yes that song is on my iPod) and the version on the local radio station is different. What is different is that instead of stripper, they say dancer. What? What happened to stripper? You can’t say stripper anymore? When did this happen? Why wasn’t I notified? Where was my e-mail regarding this matter? Were strippers offended they were being called strippers? It isn’t used in a derogatory tone, he’s “in love” with a stripper. It’s a good thing.

On my way to work out this morning, I passed 2 women walking and they were dressed like they were on a “working out” type of walk, now the funny thing was that one of the women was smoking. What? You are motivated to get up at 6:30 a.m. and walk, but you can’t put the cigarette down? Well at least her legs will be in shape.

Jetta ad? Seen it? If you have to think about it you probably haven’t. It is about as realistic as it gets. It shows people getting into violent car wrecks and being able to walk away due to the safety features in the car. Now I don’t know about you, but I like my commercials warm and fuzzy, with dancing pieces of a Whopper and talking lizards and Mexican dogs. Not car wrecks that make me pee myself. Not fun Volkswagon!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Plus/Minus 4/11/06

Beautiful day. The weather was perfect. Completed my resume for a position in Pittsburgh. Hope to get outta here.

Lack of respect.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Plus/Minus 4/6/06

Intramural Volleyball team win.
285 pages worth of changes made to the College catalog.
Workout in with sprint work without any knee pain.
Over 30 subscribers to the Brothers in 3-Z podcast!
Owen's smile

Dealing with idiots.
Not having time to get a good blog up and being behind in updating it.
General lack of feeling appreciated at my job.
Ordering "Large" basketball shorts and having them come over my knee and look more like knickers than shorts