Adam over at his blog is trying to set some sort of record for comments at the end of his blog and instead of giving in and feeding the ego I thought I would just write my comments here and he can come over here to my blog to read them (although you need to look at his blog as it contains a cute video of my nephew Drew).
Tipping at curbside pick-up? Do you or don't you. First if I have to walk in (a la Bob Evans and pick up my food. Definitely no tipping. They didn't do anything except put my food in a bag. No tip for that. If the person has to come out to my car and they are fast about it, I will tip but usually just a 10%, I mean all they did was walk it to the car. The person getting the tip here should be the dude who cooked it. To save that awkward moment when a server is trying to rob you of more money for a tip I pay with the debit card, almost always. Just to save myself from having to get those $4 in change back only to leave $3 smackers.
Good Description of College
Tony Kornheiser in referring to the students and faculty protesting the Presidential situation at William and Mary.
“Gotta love that. That is what college outta be. That is what they outta do. Totally out-of-touch adults and self-indulgent children.”
This is a great quote and anyone working on a college campus knows that he hit this EXACTLY on the head.
Owen Catching On
Remember when, just a few blog posts ago I talked about Owen and waking up in the middle of the night. Well no one can ever accuse him of being dumb. After I answered his calls of "Mommy!" for a couple of days, only to follow them up with unsympathetic views at 3:00 a.m., apparently the boy needed to clarify who he is really calling. So now when yelling for "Mommy" at 3:00 a.m. he calls out for "Real Mommy." which is his way of saying "not you daddy and your attitude at 3 a.m." Which is fine for me, cause when Renea finally snaps (oh and she will snap) that little guy will suddenly be calling for his "Daddy!"
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