Thursday, February 16, 2006


Just a few thoughts on this Thursday:

The Arizona Cardinals added to their long line of great personnel moves by signing 34 year old Kurt Warner to a three-year contract on Tuesday. Nice move Cardinals, Deion Sanders is a free agent now, would you like to add him as your new starting cornerback?

I love these coaches that resign/take a leave of absence/quit their jobs in the middle of the season. Nice message to send to your players that look up to you. . . “When it gets tough kids, quit.” Take a lesson from my parents who said I could quit after a season was over and not return the next year, but never quit in the middle of the season. One of the best lessons I was ever taught.

A former Escambia County (PENSACOLA, Fla.) middle school gym teacher allegedly let children pay a $1 a day bribe to skip gym class turned himself in Thursday. Now that guy is an entrepreneur. I wouldn’t pay a $1 to skip gym class (cause that is about all I was good at) but I easily would have put down a 5 spot to get out of Trig.

“It is what it is.” I have heard this quote 1,000 times the past few weeks. Yes we all know ‘it is what it is’ when is it ever ‘it is what it isn’t?’ One of my new pet peeves, like nails on a chalkboard.

Michael Bay is gearing up to remake "Friday the 13th" for New Line Cinema. Um, yea, excuse me, but haven’t the last 200 Friday the 13th movies been remakes of the first? People having a good time, Jason killing people, someone thinks they kill Jason, movie over. About sums it up huh?

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