Wednesday, December 22, 2004


The best thing about this job is the time off, no doubt about it. In the summer I have taken days off to golf and not had to log it down as actual "vacation days" and over the winter break when the college is closed all of those days off are not part of my 20 day vacation, but simply days off. What's not to love about going from Dec 22 to Jan 2 without working?

The last company I worked for made us work even the day after Christmas. Who gets business done on that day? No one, we sat around all day and talked about our holiday and what we did and got as gifts. All of our clients were off that day so we had nothing pressing to do. It would have been a nice gesture by the company to just give us that day and it would have saved them having to pay us to sit around that day.

Since the Christmas break starts we start our traveling tour again. Christmas day we are off to PA to visit Renea's family, then the next day (with the Steelers playing at 1:00 mind you) we will be traveling to Fairmont to do christmas with my Mom, then back home on the 27th. I just hope we can bring back all of the gifts for Owen or that someone gets us a car for Christmas.

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