Sunday, March 29, 2009

Strep Throat

Owen has strep throat. To find this out we had to spend 2+ hours at the physicians care office. I am not a usual germ-a-phobe (I think Renea has made me that way) but the whole time we were there it gave me the willies thinking about all of the sickness floating around. When we finally got the call to move from one waiting area to the next waiting area I decided that it would be best to pass the time with a little game I like to call Latex Glove Balloon. Owen really enjoyed this, as did I. Renea, not so much.

Renea usually gets a little aggravated with me in Dr. offices. I have a tendency to play with the Dr. things, never hurting anything just to help pass the time and to lighten mood. Renea always thinks we are going to get into trouble. As Owen and I were passing the latex glove balloon Renea gave Owen and I a dirty look, so I had to bounce the balloon off her face. She never saw it coming and it gave all three of us a big laugh.

There are laugh out loud moments when you have kids, and it is true that they will say some of the darndest things. Owen said something today that reminded me of something his uncle Adam would have said about that same age. He found a dollar I had laid on the table yesterday. I was in our bedroom upstairs and he came up and said, "Dad, can I have this dollar I found?" "No." I said. Then in a sad little voice, his acting chops emerged. "But Dad, it will make my throat feel better." What a player.

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