Thursday, March 26, 2009

Guilty Pleasure

Love my Sirius radio. Love the fact that I can listen online (at least until my subscription is up in December), and a couple of months ago I ran across Cosmo Radio, sponsored by Cosmo magazine and specifically the morning show Wake Up with Taylor. Taylor is a 26 year old female living in New York and she has 2 co-hosts sitting in with her, Victoria and Kenny. Now typically I like my talk radio more so than music in the mornings so I think this is one of the reasons I started listening. I know, I know, it is Cosmo and it's for girls. See that is where you are wrong. They definitely cater to the female demographic, but it is more of a "relationship" show that also has some pop culture discussions as well. Now there have been plenty of times where I have turned the channel when they discuss getting pedicures or shoe shopping, but for the most part I find them pretty entertaining and the male perspective provided by Kenny mirrors my thoughts most of the time. It is good entertainment and I find myself cracking up at least once a morning. Give them a try, it may not seem like the "manly" thing to do, but it is good radio.

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