Renea and I are big LOST fans. We have been from the very beginning. Every episode, every crazy plot, every mysterious character, we are hooked.
Last Wednesday was the season 3 finale of LOST (which I have watched twice already), and just a few weeks ago they announced that they will be doing 3 more seasons with the story being completed in 2010. Also next year lost will move to a “24-esque” format where they will start in February 2008 and go for 16 straight weeks. I was a big fan of that format, but now that I am faced with the 8-month hiatus until it starts again I am not so much a fan.
I am finding with LOST that there are very few people to discuss the show with and to pick each other brains about what is happening. Some friends just watch it for entertainment and don’t really think too much about where the plot is going and what some of the underlying stories are, and other friends watch, but mock the different directions that the stories take and their plausibility.
I find it very fascinating and totally different than anything else on TV. The show Heroes is close, but the mysteries and levels of depth of what is happening to these characters is unmatched.
My recommendation, if you have never seen the show, would be to rent Seasons 1 and 2 and try to watch them back to back, then watch Season 3 when it comes out in the fall. This is an excellent show that actually will make me want to buy the DVD’s of the seasons. I have never seen myself as a TV-DVD guy, but after this episode I want to go back and relive the beginning experiences all over.
"Lost" lost me when it mixed first-run episodes in with re-runs throughout last season along with weeks where it was not on at all! The powers that be at the networks do not seem to have the concept of "viewing habits." Your blog has made me want to give it another chance, however, since I did enjoy season 1 & would probably watch the show if there were new episodes shown on consecutive weeks.
You have awhile to decide, but if I end up buying the DVDs I will let you catch up. You will like it now that it is going 16 straight weeks.
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