(Yea Renea knows about my infatuation with Cheryl) and that if Apollo isn’t dating his partner (Julianne), then he needs slapped up-side the head.
Watching the Pirates game today, twice I saw Freddy Sanchez hit sac flies to score runs from third, only to have the runner on third hit home plate then walk right into the dugout without even acknowledging Freddy. I mean I know you feel like you did most of the work to get to third in the first place, but this guy just gave himself up to score you, the least you can do is wait for him and give him high-five or a fist bump or even a slap on the ass before you walk to the dugout. He’s just coming back from first, sixty feet away. Just give the guy a little love will yea . . . geez and they wonder why in a Post-Gazette poll 65% of the fans said the Pirates have already given up on the season.
Also a second thought to the “showin love” to a teammate, I think the fist bump may be on its way out. I am seeing a trend in celebratory hand gestures and I think we are heading back to the high-five. When the fad trickles down to golfers fist bumping caddies the fad is over.
If you get a chance read Trent’s blog about the lyrics to a Carrie Underwood song. I am not sure what is more funny, his interpretation or Kelly, my sister-in-law, in the comments calling him Grandpa Simpson.
Another thing to admit to: I like Avril Lavigne’s new album and I like her new song . . . There I said it, so if you see me in the car singing “Hey, Hey, you, you, I don’t like your girlfriend,” you will know why.
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