I woke up this morning in maybe the worst way possible . . . ok so maybe not the worst way (fire, burglary, tornado, hurricane are a few worse ways) but for anyone who has had a cramp in their calf, they know what I am talking about. Dead asleep at 6:40 a.m. and all of a sudden it feels as if I have been shot in calf. I couldn't stretch it out, I couldn't reach my toes to try and pull it out of the softball-like knot. I couldn't even bring myself to feel the knot in my calf. Renea thought I was having a heart-attack.
"Are you ok? What's wrong?"
"What is it?"
I could bearly get the words out. Lying there for what seemed like forever, in actuality it was closer to 60 seconds my leg and muscle finally relented and I got out of bed and was able to stretch it out.
Now the biggest fear when getting the cramp is that it will return and soon. So all morning I have been on edge thinking that that the next move I make will bring me down. And of course when relaying the story the answer is bananas. "Eat bananas that will make it go away." Little too late for that advice.
agreed. Cramps are the worst. Keep bananas by the bed... Bananas in pajamas.
is that why there are pockets in pjs? somewhere to keep the bananas?
Potassium supplements might help.
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