Ok, because of my paa-thetic blog postings as of late I didn't write about my XBOX dying. Partly because I was heart broken and partly because I am lazy (yea I said it).
Any-who, a couple of days before the new year my XBOX got what is known in gamer circles as "THE RED RING OF DEATH" (I am contractually obligated to say it like that) which basically makes your XBOX an Atari circa 1980. Luckily XBOX extended the warranty (out to 3 years from its purchase date) on all 360s this summer so mine was covered. The process to get it fix was relatively easy. But the time the XBOX was gone and how long it took the get just the box for me to mail it back in took forever. I called them to report the RED RING on the Sunday before New Years. I didn't get the box to ship it back in until Jan 9th. I then took it directly to the UPS store to drop it off and I tracked it (or stalked it, whatever you want to call it) until it arrived in Texas. I called last week to check on it, they said, or rather the automated voice said, that it had been repaired and I would see it in 3-5 working days. The gave me no stalking number so I could follow it so I had to just wait.
Well yesterday it came back. FINALLY! And I am not real sure who was more excited. Me, cause well it is my XBOX. Renea, because I am not coming to bed the same time she goes and therefor not pestering the hell out of her until I fall asleep, or Owen who seemed to be the most excited about it because he now gets to play his motorcycle game.
I have to say I was a little surprised about how excited Owen was. I mean he liked playing the games and all, but he certainly isn't addicted to it like me, or so I thought. He couldn't wait for me to get it all plugged back in and to put his game on (and it isn't even a full version of a game, just a demo).
Overall I didn't have to pay for anything, and plus Microsoft gave me a free month of XBOX live to make up for the month I missed.
So now all is right. I can now take the frustrations of the day out on the University of Michigan in NCAA football, the Patriots and Tom Brady in Madden and all of those little kids online in Halo 3.
(I do have to point out this though, when my iPod broke a few years ago, I mailed it back in a box Apple overnighted and 2 days later I had a new iPod, Apple still rocks in my mind).