Owen was sitting on my lap as we were flipping through photos from his 3rd birthday. We get to the one above and I ask Owen, “Why are you not happy in this photo?”
He looks at me and says, “Because I don’t like that hat and I don’t like to wear it.”
Really? I couldn’t tell.
Owen and I were eating burgers and fries and he had placed his hand in the ketchup and was “finger painting” his tray on his high chair. I gave him a look hoping he would stop.
“Daddy, are you happy or sad?”
“I am sad Owen, you aren’t supposed to play with your food.”
He looked at me, and I could tell he knew I wasn’t happy.
“You not happy Daddy?”
“No Owen I am not happy.”
Then with a smile and a charm he looked at me and said. “Come on Daddy, give me a smile.”
I had to walk into the next room so I could crack up silently.
Owen is taking tumbling classes (not gymnastics, but tumbling classes). And at the end of the class they were playing Duck, Duck, Goose (which he has never played before).
Now Owen loves a little pretend as he is always pretending to be a cat or a dog or a character from TV, and so he seemed really interested in this game and watched very closely as the instructors tried to teach it.
The third person to be the “goose” was the instructor, and I knew they were going to pick Owen, so Renea and I were curious as to whether or not he would catch on with the game. She went around “duck, duck, duck.” Then she got to Owen . . . “Goose!” She tapped him on the head and started to run around the circle and he looked at her and said in all seriousness, “I am NOT a goose, I am a kitty.” And proceeded to crawl on all fours meowing and chasing after the instructor
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