Thursday, February 07, 2008

Blah Blah Blah

You call that a hot wing
So I tried the KFC "hot wings" yea there is a problem with these and it is kinda big problem . . . they aren't hot. I am not talking about them being 'mild' or 'medium' or that the hotness of them is just at a low level for me (since I love hot stuff). I mean there is no hint at all that these contain any type of spice. They are PA-THE-TIC. Basically they are the 'wing' version of the KFC extra crispy. DO NOT BUY THESE. Awful. Now I know that in the fast food world that 'hot' has a different meaning than at a sit down restaurant where they can say things like 'death wings' and make you sign a waiver, but come on people. At least make me feel like you made an attempt to make them hot. Geez after eating these I don't even feel like they tried. Chicken LOSERS.

Tiddy Bear
This is real. Seriously. This is a real product. Don't you want to make driving fun again?

So if you watch LOST keep reading. If you don't, why don't you? Don't give me that crap that you missed too much to catch up. They play recap shows all the time, plus all the seasons are out on DVD. Nuff excuses watch this show. ok. moving on.

Things are really getting good for this show. One of the things that makes the show good is that we now know when it is ending. They have an end game in mind. There are 46 episodes left and for some reason, now more than ever the show has a ending in mind and you know that every show is pushing you towards that ending. I think sometimes with TV shows they walk around aimlessly (with filler shows, we had a few of those with LOST over the years) while having success and never drive you to an ending. Especially when they don't know when/if the show will end. It is sad that LOST only has 46 episodes left, but it also allows the viewer to expect and know when the ending will come. Much like a book or movie rather than a show like Friday Night Lights or Hanna Montana (that is for you Adam).

I have been a bloggin fool lately, thanks for coming back and reading after much time off and inconsistent posts. As the fiber commercials say, I will try to be more regular in my posts.


renea Zundell said...

come on! _____ Bear! ( I can't even spell that word let alone type it! ) My favorite part- call now and get a 2 nd _____ Bear for free! Hey 2 _____ Bears is better than one!!

Z said...

Every guy in america agrees with that statement.

Brothers Z said...

It's embarassing that a place that specializes in chicken doesn't do better wings. They suck.

I don't know what Tiddy Bear is, but Titty Bare is more up my ally.


jilcee said...

My gosh Trent was that comment just off the cuff?

Brothers Z said...

all my comments are "off the cuff."
