Thursday, January 13, 2005

Movie Reviews #1 Dodge Ball and The Bourne Supremacy

After testing many online movie rental services for free (Netflix, Wal-Mart and Blockbuster) I finally decided upon Blockbuster and I think I will stay on for a few months. Hence I thought I would write reviews of some of the movies of course the movies all came out over 6 months ago at your local theatre, but I am seeing them for the first time on DVD. So here we go.

Dodge Ball
This movie was not nearly as funny as I thought it was going to be. After seeing previews and all of the hype I expected more hilarity and it just didn’t happen. Ben Stiller seemed to be trying too hard to be his character and I really didn’t empathize that much with the Vince Vaughn character. The best character was the guy who played Warren on Ed the TV show. He was funny with his physical comedy, and I did laugh in a few spots. There was one time I laughed hard, but that was about it. The cast was too good to come up with a product that seemed to be put together by a student doing his final film project so that he can graduate on time.

2 out of 5

The Bourne Supremacy
This is a good action movie with a lot of fast-paced scenes and you have to pay close attention to the action to see what is happening. You can figure out the reasoning behind what is happening and the person responsible for it all fairly quickly. The thing that makes the movie is the very well done action sequences, besides that there’s not that much more. I have seen better writing for an episode of Alias or 24. There will be a third installment of this series as the ending left that WIDE open. For a non thinking action movie it’s a decent watch.

3 out of 5

Next reviews: Napoleon Dynamite and Garden State

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